Sunday, November 13, 2011


Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.

He Who Sayings :
1) He who can does,  he who can't teaches.
2) He who laughs last,  laughs loudest
3) He who hesitates is lost
4) He who desires is always poor
5) He who does not venture, has no luck.
6) He who would travel happy must travel light.
7) He who would leap high must take a long run.
8) He who will not economise, will have to agonise.

As a rule a man is a fool ;
When it is hot,
He wants it cool;
When it is cool,
He wants it hot ;
Always wanting 
What is not.
Most of us spend our lives working towards the best of all possible futures, only to find that to-morrow rearely turns out as we had expected.

When it comes to the future, there are 3 kinds of people :
1) Those who let it happen
2) Those who make it happen
3) Those who wonder what happened 
-John M Richardson