Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Don't walk as if you rule the world.
Walk as if you don't care who rules the world.

definition of pessimist
A person
who says that
O is the last letter
in ZERO,
Instead of the first letter

Find a purpose in life so big it will challenge every capacity to be
at your best. - David O. McKay

One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives. ~Euripides, Greek play write

Misfortune shows those who are not really friends.~Aristotle

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


By the time a man realizes that may be his father was right, he
usually has a son who thinks he is wrong.

Sacrifice is greater than love.
Character is greater than beauty.
Humanity is greater than wealth.
Nothing is greater than trust.

Friends are like blood, they are not beside us always.
They come out when we are wounded.

Always keep communication on because
what is more disturbing is not the noise of the strangers , but
the silence of our dear ones.

definition of miser
A person
who lives poor
so that
he can die RICH!

Monday, June 28, 2010


Goodness is the only investment that, sometimes though late but,
fails to return a very good dividend.

Love & Death
are 2 uninvited guests . When they will come nobody knows.
Both do the same work.
One takes away the heart and the other takes away its beats.

Why engineering students are happy after watching 3idiots ?
Ans : अब डिलीवरी डोक्टर अकेला नही ईन्जिनियर भी करेगा|
1 more source of placement after engineering. (B.E. [gaynek])

Victory is always at our feet but the problem is we are too lazy to bend.

We should not worry about next generation that they are not
listening to us. But we should worry that they are observing us.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


It takes around 2 years to learn to speak but takes life time to learn
what not to speak.

If you ever feel in life that all doors are closed
remember these words
"A closed door is not always locked"

No & Yes
are 2 short words which need a long thought.
Most of the things we miss in life are due to saying No too soon
or Yes too late

If you stand for a reason , be prepared to stand alone like a tree.
If you fall on the ground , fall as a seed that grows back to fight again.

In life if you are intelligent, you are admired.
In life if you are prominent, you are envied.
In life if you are powerful, you are feared.
but if you are blessed with a good heart you are always remembered.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


definition of diplomat
A person
who tells you
to go to hell
in such a way
that you actually look forward
to the trip

In a day when you don't come across any problems - you can be sure
that you are traveling on the wrong path - Swami Vivekananda

Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous, you get knocked
down by
traffic from both sides. - Margret Thatcher

Fate chooses your relations, you choose your friends.

The man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd

Friday, June 25, 2010


ઉપર ના જોશો આકાશ વરસી જશે.

નીચે ના જોશો પથ્થર પીગળી જશે.

આગળ ના જોશો કોઇ શરમાઇ જશે.

પણ, પાછળ તો જરૂર જોજો નહિતર કોઇ એકલું રહી જશે.

A Toilet is like a committee meeting.

People come with lot of pressure,


create a lot of noise,


ultimately DROP THE MATTER & relax!!

Walk in ur own path

Love in ur own style

Talk in ur own words

Help in ur own ways

Then people will say...

NalayaK kisi ki nahi sunta:-)........

Always try to prove that:

'You are right'

But never attempt to prove that 'Others are wrong','That's the art of be in Positive'

"There is a Great Differnce between WORRY & CONCERN -

While a Worried Person

SEES a Problem;a Concerned Person S0LVES the Problem"

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Somebody once asked god :"What surprises you most, about mankind ?"
God replied :"They lose their health to make money and then lose their money to restore their health. By thinking anxiously about the future, they forget to enjoy the present. Such that , they live neither for the present nor for the future. And at last , they live as if they will never die and they die as if they had never lived.

Always tell your problem to 1% people who genuinely love you because 50% people do not care of your problem and 49% people become happy that you have problem

Be grateful that you don't have everything you want.
That means you still have an opportunity to be happier tomorrow than you are today.

Loving 100 wrong people may not affect your life.
But leaving one right lovable person will leave you a broken heart throughout your life.

Heavy rains remind us of challenges in life.
Never ask for a lighter rain, just pray for a better umbrella. That is attitude.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Amitabh : Ab aakhiri swal ek karod k liye.

Whats your father's name?

Sardar hasne laga.

Amitabh : tum hans kyo rhe ho?

Sardar : Apne option to btaye hi nahi

Never become part of someone's happiness, always become its reason...!!

Always become part of someone's sadness , never become its reason......!!!!


1. Fashion?

Lungi with a zip.

2. Laziness?

Asking lift 4 morning walk.

3. Craziness?

Get blank paper xerox.

4. Honesty?

Pregnant woman takin 2 tickets.

5. De-hydration?

Cow givin milk powder.

6. Hope?

A 99 yr. Old woman goin for 999/-recharge 2 get lifetime incoming.

If u want 2 gain KNOWLEDGE,

ADD something everyday TO ur mind.But,

if u want to gain WISDOM,

REMOVE something everyday FROM Ur Mind.

"Always keep Communication ON


Whats more disturbing,

Is not the NOISE of the strangers,

But the SILENCE of our dear ones" :-)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


A negative thinker see a difficulty in every opportunity,A positive thinker see an opportunity in every difficulty,wish u an optimistic life..

Q : What is a Girl Friend?
Ans: Addition of Problem,
Subtraction of Money,
Multiplication of Enemy,
Division of Friends....
So be careful

definition of philosopher
A fool
who torments himself
during life,
to be spoken of
when dead

Management Lesson in the context of the working world :

A MAN is the head of the family, the WIFE is the neck. The neck turns the
head exactly the way it wants.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Wen u Start your Day,keep 3 words in your pocket:
TRY : for Better future.
TRUE: with your Work.
TRUST: in God.

Love yourself ,
Flirt with your understanding,
Romance with dreams,
Get engaged with simplicity,
Marry genuineness,
Divorce the ego,
That"s Good Life..."

definition of atom bomb
An invention
to bring an end
to all

Names of Things You Never Knew had Names
ZARF - A holder for a handleless coffeea cup.

Management Lesson in the context of the working world:

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Do not be shy in exploring your talents The woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang the best.

આભ ગમે તેટલું ઊંચું હોય, નદી ગમે તેટલી પહોળી હોય
પર્વત ગમે તેટલો વિરાટ હોય, પવન ગમે તેટલા સુસવાટા મારતો હોય
પણ એક વાત ધ્યાનમાં રાખો, આપણે આ બધા સાથે શું લેવા દેવા??
(કોઇની પણ સેહમાં આવવું નહિ)

In life LOVE is never planned nor does it happen for a reason.But when LOVE is real,It becomes ur PLAN for life and ur reason for living.

definition of yawn
The only time
when some married men
ever get to open
their mouth

Names of Things You Never Knew had Names
SNORKEL BOX - A mailbox with a protruding receiver to allow people to deposit mail without leaving their cars.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Today's facts:

Big house but small family.

More degrees but less common sense.

Advanced medicine but poor health.

Touched Moon but neighbour untouched.

High income but less peace of mind.

High I Q but less emotions

Good knowledge but less wisdom.

& Lot of humans but less humanity.

Sad but True.

Art Of friendship Is Like Playing a Musical Instrument.First you Must Learn How to Play by Rules & Than you Must forget Rules & Play From your Heart.

नब्ज मेरी देखी और बिमार लिख दिया|

रोग मेरा देखा तो प्यार लिख दिया |

कर्जदार रहेंगे हम उस हकिम के

जिसने दवामें दोस्तका दिदार लिख दिया

When you want more time to take correct decision

then remember-

Even a correct decision is wrong.when it's taken too late

Friday, June 18, 2010


Q. In which country LOVE invented ?

A. In China because there is no Warranty or Guarantee in LOVE.

Never Lower your Goals To The Level Of your Abilities, Instead Raise your Abilities To The Height Of your Goals.





to them who keep zero distance


their thoughts



શિખવી છે કલા કોઇ એવી હવે

જીવતા થાય બે પંખી એક કાંકરે!

We often do not express our feelings for fear of loosing a relationship.

But fact is :We often loose a relationship by not expressing our feelings.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Telling a lie is a fault for a little boy
An art for a lover
An accomplishment for a bachelor
for a married man, it is a matter for survival.

What will you call a soft peanut ? ? ?

see the answer @ your own risk





Mulayam Singh....

Tips for GOOD HEALTH...

1. Eat like RAJA at morning...

2. Eat like RAJKUMAR at noon..

3. Eat like BHIKHARI at night...

4. Drink water a lot.

5. Walk daily.


वक्त बदलता है जिंदगीके साथ

जिंदगी बदलती है वक्त के साथ

वक्त नहि बदलता अपनो के साथ

बस अपने बदल जाते है वक्तके साथ

7 very rare gifts given by God:

Dad's hug

Mom's love

Brother's fight

Sister's care

Lovely sleep

Lover's hurting


True Friends.

Don't miss them.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


The logic of human mind :
"It seeks compromise when we do the mistake
It seeks judgment when others do the mistake "

Your true character is most accurately measured by how you treat those who can do nothing for you.

All dead bodies in the graveyard are very happy

Guess why?

because from now,

Every night there will be entertainment Program by MICHAEL JACKSON!


The universe works on the principle of exchange;

Only if you GIVE,

will you RECEIVE.

The great thing a little lamp can do which the big sun cannot do is, it gives light at night. No one is superior by size, but by purpose.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Umbrella can't stop the rain but protects us.!

Confidence may not bring Success but it gives a Heart to face any challenge !!

પહેલુ સુખ તે જાતે નર્યા

અને પહેલુ દુ:ખ ....??






તે "ફેરા ફર્યા.. !"

Charlie Chaplin's Heart touching statement:

" I like walking in the rain, because nobody can see my tears...!"

If you are willing to do only what is easy, Life will be hard. But if you are willing to do what is hard, Life will be easy. Believe in yourself !

Good things come to those who wait.

Better things come to those who try.

Best things come to those who believe in their efforts.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Success is a vehicle which moves on a wheel names smart work
The journey is impossible without the fuels named self confidence.

आत्मविश्वास देखो
मल्लिकाने टेइलरको १ रुमाल देते हुए कहा : मेरी ३ ड्रेस बना देना|
अब आप टेइलरका आत्मविश्वास देखो
"मेडम, बाकी कपडेका क्या करना है ?

There are many brave people who always want to be brave and adventurous. Some choose the army to fight for the nation.Others simply get married.

Hunger wakes you to work.
Failure makes you to achieve.
Problems keep you alert.
It is the positive attitude that makes life sweeter and worthier.

आपकी सुरत कितनी प्यारी है |
खुदाने अपने हाथोसे सँवारी है |
किसी और से शादी मत करना ;
आपके लिये मायावती अभी तक कुंवारी है |

Sunday, June 13, 2010


The world has the habit of making room for the man whose words and
actions show that he knows where he is going
Napoleon Hill

Circumstance does not make the man; it reveals him to himself
James Allen

The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it

Your life is in your hands, to make of it what you choose
John Kehoe

Let others lead small lives, but not you.
Let others argue over small things,
but not you.
Let others cry over small hurts, but not you.
Let others leave
their future in someone else's hands, but not you.
Jim Rohn

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Why do women spend

so much time on

improving their LOOKS

& not their MIND?



Because they know that

men r STUPID

but not BLIND.

Nice people are like wind. You will never see them but you will always feel their presence..Hi YOU are one of them..

3 things stand out in the world.

An ocean , a mountain & a determined man .

But it is the determined man alone who can move mountain into ocean.

Always make your absence i such a way that somebody miss you.

But, let not that absence be so long that somebody learn to live without you.

Luck is not in your hands but work is.

Your work can make luck.

But luck can not make your work.

Trust yourself than your luck.

Friday, June 11, 2010


"I Do not Believe In Taking Right Decisions.

I Take Decisions & then Make them Right."

- Alexander

Great Day Can Not Be Expected But It Is To Be Created. HAVE A SUPER DAY.

A true friend is not like the rain which pours & goes away. A true friend is like the air. Sometimes silent but always around u.

No sound in this world can be louder than silence..

If any one can understand your silence they can never misunderstand your words .

Heart Of Boys R Like a Temple !!




Thats Why,

When Boys Say..

'I Love You'..:-*





Girls Remove Their Slippers..

Thursday, June 10, 2010


If everyone is happy with you then surely you might have made many compromises in your life.

Never blame any one in your life.
Good people give us happiness.
Bad people give us Experience.
Worst people give us a lesson.
Best people like you give us memories.

You are great if you can find your faults.
Greater if you can remove/reduce them.
But you are the greatest if you accept & love others with their faults.

Pure heart is the greatest temple in the world,

Don't believe the smiling face but believe the smiling heart that always be TRUE to you.!!

British: do you know Swimming


British: dog is better then you, It Swims

Sardar: do you know Swimming.?


Sardar:Then,What is the difference between you & Dog.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


True ambition never says that "If I can't achieve , I will die."
True ambition has the determined attitude that "If I can't achieve , I will still try till I die".

Respect the emotions in someone's heart, rather than the expressions on someone's face.
Because expression is just the formality, but emotions are reality.

Do U know which is the best part of life..?

Its Simple...

"When your family understands u as a friend.. & your friends

support u as your family..

A Lot Of Trouble In The World Would Disappear

If People Talk "To" One another...

Instead Of "About" One another... HOW TRUE.!

કોણ કહે છે અહીના

દરબારમાં અંધેર છે ?

હસતા ચહેરાઓ જુઓ

ઘેર ઘેર છે

સુખ/દુ:ખ તો છે કુદરતની પ્રસાદી મિત્રો
બસ માનવીન
સમજ સમજ માં ફેર છે

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Women live better, longer & peaceful life !!
Why ?
Very simple. A woman does not have a wife..

भिखारी : कुछ खाने को दो |
गोलु : टमाटर खाओ |
भिखारी : रोटी दे दो |
गोलु : टमाटर खाओ |
गोलु : तो टमाटर ही खिला दो|
गोलुकी पत्नि : ये तोतले है | "क" की जगह पे "ट" बोलते है|
(टमाटर = कमाकर)

Never raise your voice.
Just improve the quality of your argument.

A teacher teaches first & then gives exam but life gives exam first & then teaches.

Most of the troubles in life are the result of saying "Yes" too soon & "No" too late.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Every problem in life carries a gift inside it. So whenever you lose something, don't get upset because something may wait for you more than you lost.

दुनियाके ५ मुश्किल काम |
हाथीको धक्का लगाना |
मच्छरकी मालिश करना|
चिंटीको किस करना|
झिराफकी गरदन दबाना |
आपसे SMS की उम्मिद करना |

Affection shows human mentality,
But situation shows human reality.

Attitude is a little thing which makes a big difference in life.
But it should be like " I may not be the best but I am not like the rest.

Money is a piece of paper which never goes in dustbin.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Hindus always pray for a BOY,Not for a GIRL
Blessings of elders are for a BOY,Not for a Girl
But in need of wealth,People pray to Ma LAXMI
For success in education and knowledge,People pray to Ma SARASWATI
For removal of tension,People pray to Ma AMBAJI
And to escape from the devil,People pray to Ma KALI
Now tell me, why do people hesitate to have a FEMALE in the family.

Every new idea is a joke ,
Until one man achieves it.
Every new thought is silly,
Until you try and believe it.

If you fight , you may not always win,
But if you don't fight, you will surely lose.

Falling down is not defeat but it is when you refuse to get up.

This moment is not permanent in life. - Read this line whenever you are happy or sad.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


If you want to acquire precious knowledge, attain people's respect, achieve something great, then first learn to give what best you can.

લાંબી આ સફરમાં જિંદગીના ઘણા રૂપ જોયા છે.
તમે એકલા શાને રડો છો ? સાથી તો અમેય ખોયા છે.
આપ કહો છો આને શું દુ:ખ છે ? આ તો સદા હસે છે.
અરે! આપ શું જાણો ? આ સ્મિતમાં કેટલું દુ:ખ વસે છે.
મંઝિલ સુધી ન પહોચ્યા , તમે એ વાત થી દુ:ખી છો ?
પણ ચાલવા મળ્યો રસ્તો તમને એટલા તો તમે સુખી છો !!
તમને છે ફરિયાદ કે કોઇ મને પૂછતું નથી .
અરે ! અમને તો કેમ છો એટલું ય કોઇ પૂછતું નથી.
જે થયું એનો અફસોસ શાને કરો છો ?
આ જિંદગી જીવવા માટે છે . આમ રોજ રોજ શાને રડો છો ?
આ દુનિયામાં સંપૂર્ણ સુખી તો કોઇ નથી.
એક આંખ તો બતાવો મને જે ક્યારેય રોઇ નથી?
બસ એટલું જ કહેવાનું છે જિંદગીની દરેક પળને દિલથી માણો.
નસિબથી મળી છે જિંદગી તો પછી એને જીવી જાણો

Friday, June 4, 2010


Relation means to
Help without hesitation
Give without expectation
Love without limitation
Remember even without communication

Dhirubhai's will was very clear
Mu-Cash & A-nil

જિંદગી મળવી એ નસિબની વાત છે.
મોત મળવું એ સમયની વાત છે.
પણ મોત મળ્યા પછી પણ કોઇના દિલમાં જીવતા રહેવુ
એ જિંદગીમાં કરેલા કરમની વાત છે.

Anger is meaningless because it is always about something that has already passed.

Little faith says : "you can do it"
Big faith says : "you will do it"
great faith says : "it is done"
Nothing is impossible when you believe in self.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Mistakes are painful when they happen,But years later a collection of mistakes called Experience Which leads us to success...

definition of office
A place
where you can relax
after your strenuous
home life

Names of Things You Never Knew had Names
RASCETA - Creases on the inside of the wrist.

An old man's T Shirt Quote
"I am not 60... I am 16 with 44 years of EXPERIENCE"
Think Different, Problems common to all but Attitude makes Difference.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Don't think how many moments are there in your life, just think how much life is there in a moment.

definition of smile
A curve
that can set
a lot of things straight!

Drinking is our biggest enemy- Jawaharlal Nehru
We should learn to love our enemies- Mahatma Gandhi
Now, whom to follow and which one to choose?

Names of Things You Never Knew had Names
PURLICUE - The space between the thumb and extended forefinger.

Every person is a FREEDOM FIGHTER..... ...
Immediately after Marriage!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


What touches us the most is... Being hurt by someone you trust a lot
Being trusted by someone you have hurt a lot...

definition of classic
A book
which people praise,
but never read

All desirable things in life are either illegal, banned, expensive or married to someone else!

Names of Things You Never Knew had Names
PEEN - The end of a hammer head opposite the striking face.

If your dog is barking at the back door and your
wife yelling at the front door, who do you let in first?
The Dog of course... at least he'll shut up after u
let him in! --Anonymous