Friday, May 28, 2010


Hard words can't touch any soft heart
Soft words can touch any hard heart.

મૃત્યુ અને મોક્ષ વચ્ચે તફાવત શું ?
શ્વાસ ખૂટી જાય ને ઇચ્છા બાકી રહી જાય તે મૃત્યુ.
શ્વાસ બાકી રહે ને ઇચ્છા ખૂટી જાય તે મોક્ષ.

Negative thoughts and tensions are like birds.
We can not stop them from flying near us.
We can certainly stop them from making a nest in our mind.

हमारी जिंदगी मे आप बहुत खास है |
हर पल आपकी दूरीका एहसास है |
जब आपका मेसेज नही आता तो लगता है ;
आज मेरे मोबाईलका उपवास है |

Coins inside the pocket jump & make noise of their presence.
While the currency notes maintain silence.
High value people are calm & silent