Monday, May 24, 2010


If Columbus had been married, he might have never discovered USA.
Because questions like
Where are you going ?
With whom ?
To discover what ?
Why you ?
Can I come ?
Where are you coming back ?
What will you bring for me ?
रहने दो
जाता ही नही

Life laughs at you when you are unhappy.
Life smiles at you when you are happy.
Life salutes you when you make others happy.

definition of lecture
An art of transmitting Information
from the notes of the lecturer
to the notes of students
without passing through the minds
of either

Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is like expecting the lion not to attack you because you are a vegetarian. Think about it.

Names of Things You Never Knew had Names
COLUMELLA NASI - The bottom part of the nose between the nostrils.