Saturday, April 18, 2015


Check ur presence of mind.............Take d test.

relax, clear your mind and begin, what's the 1st answer that comes to ur mind???...........

1. What do you put in a toaster?

2. Say "silk" five times. Now spell "silk." What do cows drink?

3. If a red house is made from red bricks and a blue house is made from blue bricks and a pink house is made from pink bricks and a black house is made from black bricks, what is a green house made from?

4. It's twenty years ago, and a plane crashes from 20,000 feet over Germany (If you will recall, Germany at the time was politically divided into East and West Germany) Where would you bury the survivors? East Germany, West Germany, "no man's land"?

5. Without using a calculator - You are driving a bus from Mumbai to Pune. In Mumbai , 17 people get on, in Pune , 16 get off. Name the driver.

1 ."bread." If you said "toast," give up now and do something else.. Try not to hurt yourself.

2.Cows drink water. If you said "milk," don't attempt the next question.
Your brain is over -stressed and may even overheat. Content yourself by reading more appropriate literature such as Auto World.

3.Greenhouses are made from glass. If you said "green bricks," why the hell are you still reading these??

4. You don't bury survivors!!!

5. Oh, for crying out loud! Don't you remember your own name? It was YOU!!

Try it seriously dont cheat its amazing

(I love this part.. It's absolutely amazing!)  

Count every  "  F  " in the following text:



WRONG,  THERE ARE  6  --  no joke.
Really, go Back and Try to find the  6 F's before you scroll down.

The reasoning behind is  further down.

The brain cannot  process "OF".

Incredible  or what? Go back and look again!!

Anyone who counts  all 6 "F's" on the first go is a genius.

Three  is normal, four is quite rare.

A Student who got 0% Marks, was surprised because his all answers were seemingly correct !

Q.1 - In which battle did Tipu Sultan Die ?..

Ans. - In his Last Battle..

Q.2 - Where was the Declaration of Independence Signed?

Ans. - At the Bottom of the Page..

Q.3 - What is the Main Reason for Divorce ?..

Ans. - Marriage..

Q.4 - Ganga Flows in which State ?..

Ans. - Liquid State..

Q.5 - When was Mahatma Gandhi Born ?..

Ans.- On His Birthday..

Q.6 - How will you Distribute 8 Mangoes among 6 People ?..

Ans - By Preparing Mango Shake..!!

Q.7 - India Me saal bhar Sabse Zyada Baraf Kaha Girti Hai...???

Awesome Reply By Student :- "Daaru K Glass Me..."

Q. 8 - Why Hindu Law does not permit Second Marriage...???

Answer :
Indian Constitution - Article 20(2)-says, "No man can be punished twice for same offence"
This is epic....

Laalu  has heart attack, dies, goes to hell, Devil waiting for him.

"I'm not sure what to do." says Devil. "Ur on my list, but I have no room for you. As u definitely have to stay here, I'm going to have to let someone else go."

"I got 3 folks here who weren't as bad as u. I will let 1 of them go, u hav to take their place. I let u decide who leaves!"

Laalu agrees.

Devil opened 1st room.

In it was Sonia & large pool of hot water. She kept diving in & climbing out, over & over. Such was her fate in hell.

"No!' said Laalu. 'I'm not a good swimmer!"

Devil led him to next room. In it was Mulayam with a sledgehammer & room full of rocks. All he did was swing the hammer, time after time.

"No! I got problem wth my shoulder. I will be in constant agony if I had to break rocks all day."

Devil opened 3rd door. Laalu saw Pawar lying on a king size bed and Over him was Sunny kissing him and doing what she is best at .ЁЯШЪ

Laalu looked in disbelief for a while & says, "Yeah, I can handle this."

The Devil smiled & said, "OK, Sunny, you are free to Go!!"