Thursday, April 29, 2010


Mistakes increase your Experience.
Experience decreases your mistakes.
You learn from your mistakes.
Then other learn from your Success.

The correct timing to drink water will maximise its effectiveness to the human body.
  • Two glasses of water 30 minutes before meal will help digestion.
  • Two glasses of water after you wake up help to activate the internal organs.
  • One glass before you sleep will help avoid stroke or heart attack at midnight.
  • One glass after bath helps to lower blood pressure.
Pass it to every friend whom you care.

I don't believe in taking right decisions. I take decisions and make them right.-Alexander

કશું ન હોય ત્યારે અભાવ નડે છે.
થોડું હોય ત્યારે ભાવ નડે છે.
જીવનનું આ એક એવું કડવું સત્ય છે કે
જ્યારે બધુંજ હોય ત્યારે સ્વભાવ નડે છે.

Instead of thinking about what you are missing, try to think about what you have and others are missing. You will feel better & life will be really good.