Thursday, April 15, 2010


-ve V/s +ve
Negative person has only ONE DAY between two nights, while
Positive person has only one night between TWO DAYS

Clock for Success
Bill Gates : "See the clock only when U have no work. Don't see the clock when U are working. Clock is a clock for Success.

कैसा लगता है जब बरसाती बारिसमें झोकोके संग खामोशीसे चलते हुए कोई आपका हाथ थामके धीरेसे कह दे "પોદરો છે જરા ધ્યાન રાખજો"

Never design your character like a garden where any 1 can walk . Design your character like the sky where every 1 desire to reach.

Bill Gates : I never see what has been done. I only see what remains to be done

sent by Harshad Sheth