Monday, April 19, 2010


When you start loving somebody, you start caring about yourself. But when you start caring about others, somebody starts loving you.
sent by Dinesh Shah

Desire is the root cause of anger. If we control our desire then we can avoid anger
sent by Dinesh Shah

Love the people who love you because they like something in you.
So develop it.
Love the people who hate you because they hate something in you.
So change it.
sent by Dinesh Shah

If you are truly at peace with yourself, you will never be at war with others.
sent by Harshad Sheth

हर कामयाबीपे आपका नाम होगा,
आपके हार कदमपे दुनियाँका सलाम होगा,
मुश्किलीयोंका सामना हिम्मतसे करना,
एक दिन वक्तभी आपका गुलाम होगा.
sent by Harshad Sheth