Saturday, February 12, 2011


A flight was flying through the clouds. Suddenly it lost the balance. Every one started shouting in fear but a small boy kept playing with his toys. flight landed safely.
A man asked the boy :" How could you play with your toys when everyone was afraid ?"
The boy smiled & said : " My dad is the pilot. I knew he will land me safely"
Love is trust.
Trust is life.

If 1 photo negative can create endless positive prints then why don't we look at our negative experiences & work out something positive out of it ?

3 fastest means of communication :
1) Tele-phone
2) Tele-vision
3) Tell to a woman
Need even more faster ?
Tell her not to tell any one.

2 most powerful energies :
1) Patience
2) Silence
Patience makes us mentally strong
Silence makes us emotionally strong

The first testicular guard was used in cricket in 1874
The helmet was used in 1974
It took 100 years for man to realise that brain also is important.