Monday, January 31, 2011

Forget our own sadness by creating a little happiness for others because when we are good to others we are best to ourselves.

Amazing Facts :
TEMPLE is a 6 letter word.
CHURCH is a 6 letter word.
MOSQUE is a 6 letter word.
GEETA is a 5 letter word.
BIBLE is a 5 letter word.
QURAN is a 5 letter word.
Names are different but they teach the same i.e.

Life sometimes becomes so selfish that it wants everything.
And while trying for everything we miss that something which is worth more than everything.

One of the hardest things in this world is to admit you are wrong. And nothing is more helpful in resolving situation than its frank admission.

The people who are successful are paying attention to even those details that most others treat insignificant and ignore.