Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Friendship is a silent gift of nature.
More old, more strong.
More care, more respect.
Less words, more understanding.
Less meetings, more feelings.

Japanese Proverb :
If one can do, you too can do.
If no one can do, you must do.
Its India version :
If one can do, let him do.
If no one can do, why to do ?

Richness is not earning more,spending more or saving more.
Richness is when you need "no more".

Change the texture of your thoghts & your life will change.
The future is not something we await. It is something we create.

સહેજ ભીની સહેક કોરી હોય છે,
લાગણી તો બહુ ચંચળ હોય છે.
હોય છે રંગીન પતંગો બધા પાસે ,
પણ બહુ ઓછા પાસે સ્નેહની દોરી હોય છે.