Friday, October 22, 2010


Gyan of the day :
A woman will always forgive & forget but she will never let you forget that she had forgiven & forgotten.

Living with
'2 get' & '2 give '
creates too many problems.
But living with simple attitude (Just double it)
'4 get ' & '4 give'
solves all the problems.

Why do Indian women want the same husband in the next life too ?
Any Guesses !!
Efforts taken to change him in this life do not go wasted , that is why.

एक युग था जब लोग अपने घरकी दिवारपे लिखते थे अतिथि देवो भव|
फिर लिखा शुभ लाभ |
फिर लिखा You are welcome.
और अब लिखते है कुत्तेसे सावधान|

अगर दुनियामें महेनतकी कदर होती तो गध्धा सबसे इज्जतदार होता|
Dedicated to all hard working and busy friends.