Wednesday, October 6, 2010


It is good that Ram gets some part of the land because now,
Sita is running a travel agency ,
Maruti is making cars,
Laxman might retire after the series against Australia,
Raavan is a commercial flop
there is peace in Lanka

ऐसी वाणी बोलिये कि झमकर झगडा होय|
गौर फरमाईएगा
ऐसी वाणी बोलिये कि झमकर झगडा होय|
पर उससे ना बोलिये जो आपसे तगडा होय |

Reality of life :
When you need advice, everybody is ready to help.
But when you need help, everybody gives you only advice.

Positive thinking is not about expecting the best to happen.
It is about accepting whatever will happen is for the best.

Funny but true :
In the past, nobody had a watch, but everyone had time .
Now, everyone has a watch, but nobody has time.