Monday, June 7, 2010


Every problem in life carries a gift inside it. So whenever you lose something, don't get upset because something may wait for you more than you lost.

दुनियाके ५ मुश्किल काम |
हाथीको धक्का लगाना |
मच्छरकी मालिश करना|
चिंटीको किस करना|
झिराफकी गरदन दबाना |
आपसे SMS की उम्मिद करना |

Affection shows human mentality,
But situation shows human reality.

Attitude is a little thing which makes a big difference in life.
But it should be like " I may not be the best but I am not like the rest.

Money is a piece of paper which never goes in dustbin.