Tuesday, October 25, 2011


સુખ વિષે કેટલાક વિચારો :
૧) જો લોકોને ખરેખર સુખી કરવા હોય તો સૌથી પહેલી જરૂર છે ધર્મને દેશવટો દેવાની - કાર્લ માર્કસ
૨) પરમ સુખ જેવું કશું શક્ય જ નથી. સુખનો આધાર બીજા માણસ સાથેની સરખામણી પર જ રહેલો છે.-થોમસ શાડવેલ
૩) સુ
ખી થવા માટે ઘણા દુ:ખો વેઠવા પડે છે.- મેરી મોન્ટેગ્યુ
૪) જે સુખ લાંબો વખત ટકે છે તે પછી સુખ નથી રહેતું- જી.સી. લિટેનબર્ગ
૫) સારું કે ખરાબ- દુનિયા જેને વિષે ઓછું બોલે તે માણસ ખરો સુખી- થોમસ જેફર્સન
૬) સુખી કોણ ? જે માણસ પોતાને સુખી માને તે. - સી.સી. કોલ્ટન

जिवनकी हर परिस्थितीमें हमारे पास हंमेशा दो रास्ते होते है |
१) भाग लो  (Run Away)
२) भाग लो (Part
Choice is yours

What is the difference between Dream & Aim ?
Dream requires sound sleep to see them whereas Aim requires sleepless efforts day & night to fulfill them

The most determinative thought :
'The race is not over because I have not won yet "

If life throws lemons at you don't make lemonade.
Ask for tequila & salt.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Your respect is not in the words spoken to you in your presence but words spoken for you in your absence.

Wait patiently but work impatiently.

When you run so fast to get somewhere you miss the fun of getting there.
Life is not a race, so take it easy.
Hear the music before the song gets over.

A door knocks twice. 
Insider asks : "Who is there ?"
Ans : "It's me. Opportunity."
Insider : " You can not be opportunity  because opportunity never knocks twice."

A cup of hot hellos, 
A plate of crisp wishes,
A spoon of sweet smiles
A slice of great success
in the breakfast will make your day lovely.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


The only thing money gives you is the freedom of not worrying about money.- Jonhy Carson

So simple it is to live
So simple it is to love
So simple it is to smile
So simple it is to win
but the fact is it is too difficult to be simple.

We never get what we want.,
We never want what we ger,
We never have what we like,
We never like what we have,
Still  we live,
Still we love,
Still we hope.
That is life.

A journey of thousand miles begins with single step

Definition of wife : Someone who will stand by you through all the troubles which you would not have had if you had stayed SINGE.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


 पति : फोन आया था । कल सुबह मां आ रही है। उनकी ट्रेन सुबह 4 बजे स्टेशन पहुंच
पत्नी : अभी 4 माह पहले ही तो तुम्हारी मां यहां से गई हैं। फिर अचानक कैसे आ रही हैं ?कल रविवार है, मैंने सोचा था, कल थोड़ा आराम से उठूंगी, लेकिन तुम्हारी मां को रविवार को ही आना है और वह भी सुबह 4 बजे। इतनी सुबह आटो कहां से मिलेगा ?
पति : मेरी नहीं तुम्हारी मां आ रही है।
पत्नी : अरे वाह... मम्मी आ रही है। 2 माह हो गये उनसे मिले हुए। सुनो ना मेरे पास आटो वाले भैय्या का नंबर भी है उसे फोन कर लेते हैं कल सुबह ठीक टाईम पर आ जाएगा।चलो अच्छा है कल सण्डे है बच्चों का स्कूल भी नहीं है वे भी नानी को लेने स्टेशन जा सकेंगे

વહુ તેના વર માટે નાસ્તો બનાવી રહી હતી .અચાનક પતીદેવ રસોડા મા આવ્યા. 
"સંભાળજે ,"
"જરાક મિઠું નાખ "
"ને થોડું માખણ ઓછું કર "
"બે ચમચી પાણી નાખ "
" અરે રામ ! ગેસ કેટલો મોટો છે , જરા ધીમે તાપે કર"
" જોજે દાઝી નો જાય - બળી જશે તો તારી જેટલું કાળું થૈ જશે"
" ઉલ્ટાવ - ઉલ્ટાવ - બળશે - ચારે બાજુ ઘી ફેરવ, ઊંધી બાજુ "
" ગાંડી તારે નથી ફરવાનુ - બ્રેડ ઉલ્ટાવ"
"સંભાળીને ,"
"ધીમે, ધીમે , 
જરા જલ્દી, જરા ધીમે,"
" ચારે બાજુ જોઇન્રે --- 
હવે વહુની ધીરજ ખુટી.તવેથો પછાડી કહે " આજે કેમ બહુ બોલો છો? 
વીશ વરથી રોજ બબ્બે વાર નાસ્તો નાવું છું .મને બ્રેડ શેકતા નહી આવડતું હોય ?" 
વર શાંતીથી કહે " ના ના એવું કાઇ નથી પણ આતો તને દેખાડતો તો  કે જ્યારે હું કાર ચલાવતો હોઉં ત્યારે મારી દશા કેવી થાય છે. 

Learn from mistakes of others as you do not have enough time to commit all the mistakes your self.  

Right decisions are the result of experience which we get through wrong decisions.  

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.If you love what you are doing , you will be successful. 

Friday, October 21, 2011


 Who should be blamed when a leaf falls from a tree?
Is it the wind that blew it away ?
the tree that let it go ?
is it the leaf who grew tired holding on ?
Life unfolds lot of misunderstanding everyday.
It is up to us to solve it.
leave it
live with it.

A fox goes to Guinness book office  to check if  he is still the most cunning animal on earth or not.
He came out angrily saying : "Ye sala Sharad Pawar kaun hai ?"

Lovely thing to learn from water.
Adjust yoursself in every situation 
in any shape
most importantly find out your own way to flow.

पति : आज खानेमे क्या बनाओगी ?
पत्नि : जो आप कहो |
पति : दाल चावल बनाओ |
पत्नि ; अभी कल ही तो खाये थे |
पति : तो सब्जी बना लो |
पत्नि : बच्चे नहि खाते |
पति : फिर दाल बाटी |
पत्नि : हेवी होगा |
पति : पराठे ?
पत्नि : रात को कौन खाता है ?
पति : होटेलसे ले आउँ ?
पत्नि : रोज रोज होटेल का अच्छा नही |
पति : कढी ?
पत्नि : दहि नही है |
पति : ईडली सांबार ?
पत्नि : उसमे टाइम लगेगा |
पति : मेगी ही बना लो |
पत्नि : वह कोइ खाना नही है |
पति : फिर क्या बनाओगी ?
पत्नि : जो आप कहो |

SORRY works when mistakes are made.
But SORRY does not work when TRUST is broken.
so in life do make mistakes but never break TRUSTS

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


It is funny when people discuss Love Marriage Vs. Arranged Marriage.
It is like asking someone, if suicide is better or being murdered .

Life can give number of beautiful relations but only true relations can give us beautiful life.

I am responsible for what I spoke but not for what you understand.

Steve Jobs (co-founder of Apple who made iphone,ipad & ipod)  is now working with god to make i-wife.
Beauty with brains and all new feature - Mute button.

માનવી જ્યારે મુશ્કેલીમાં મુકાય ત્યારે તેના પર કોઇ વિશ્વાસ નથી કરતું.
માનવી મુશ્કેલીમાં ત્યારે જ મુકાય જ્યારે તે પોતાના કરતા વધારે બીજા પર વિશ્વાસ મુકે છે.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Duty is what one expects from others- Oscar Wilde

Delays have dangerous ends.- Shakespeare

The mask, given time, comes to be the face itself

History is unfolding of miscalculations-B. Tuchman

He who talks a lot thinks little- Carlo Dossi

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Don't drown the man who taught you to swim.

Bad men live to eat & drink whereas  good men eat & drink in order to live. - Socrates

Genius does what it nust and talent does what it can

The continuous labour of you life is to build the house of death.

It is easier to make certain things legal than to make them legitimate

Monday, October 10, 2011


A rich man's joke is always funny. - T.E. Brown

If we command our wealth, we shall be rich & free but if our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed.- Edmund Burke

everything is only for a day, both that which remebers & that which is remembered

A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green -Francis Bacon

Time : That which man is always trying to kill, but which ends in killing him- Herbert Spencer

Sunday, October 9, 2011


A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it. - George Moore

The man ,who makes no mistake , does not  usually make anything.

We only confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large one

Everything is good when it leaves the creator's hands; everything degenerates in the hands of man

Never trust the advise of a man in difficulties.

Friday, October 7, 2011


 जीवनका सबसे बडा रोग
क्या कहेंगे लोग ?

3 men are arguing  about when life begins  :
1st : at the time of conception
2nd : at birth
3rd : you idiots, Life begins when wife goes for vacation.

What is both easy as well as difficult in life ?
Ans : Mistake easy to judge when others do it.
         difficult to recognise & realise when we do it.

There is no one busy in this world.
it is always about priorities.
You will always find time for the things you feel are important.

People will forget what you said,
People will forget what you did,
people will never forget how you made them feel

Thursday, October 6, 2011


दारावर तोरण आणि आंगणी रंगोळी,
देवगृहातील पट्टीवर सरस्वती विराजली,
सोने लाटुन आज साजरा करुया दसरा,
लाभो सुख,समृध्धि, कीर्ति आपणला.
शुभ दसरा.    

May this Dussehra light up for you. Give you Sampati like Kuber and Saurya like Rama.
A year full of smiles.
Wish you happy Dusshera.

May this Dusshera light up your life with happiness ; bring you prosperity & fulfill your hopes & dreams !
Wish you happy Dusshera.

The secret of success in any relationship lies in turning one letter upside down.
ME need to turn into WE.

बिना लिबास आये थे ईस जहाँमे ,
बस एक कफनके खातिर इतना सफर करना पडा |

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Own satisfaction is better than success.
Success is measure decided by others
satisfaction is a measure decided by us.

Get a best friend like a mirror because when you cry, it never laughs.

Life is like making Tea.
Boil our ego.
Evaporate our worries.
dilute our sorrow.
filter our mistakes
get taste of happiness.

The trouble with the world is that the stupids are full of confidence and the intelligent are full of doubts.

Happy birthday to Gandhiji provided he keeps on coming in my wallet and in you wallet too.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


To-day is Gandhi Jayanti. 142nd Birth Anniversary of Gandhiji.

All of a sudden Govt. of India has come to life to remeber him on this day. Following are the messages of Gandhiji used by various ministries of GOI in today's advertisements in various news papers. This remembrance is for just one day, from tomorrow they will start to live their ungandhian ways.

1) "I believe that where there is pure and active love for the poor there is God also.
I see God in every thread that I draw on the spinning wheel" - Mahatma Gandhi (Young India, 20-05-1926)
(Inserted by : Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.)

2) "Rural Electrification will fulfill the dream of every Indian"-Mahatma Gandhi
 (Inserted by : Ministry of Power)

3) "I shall work for an India in which the poorest shall feel that it is their country, in whose making they have an effective voice"-M. K. Gandhi
(Inserted by : Ministry of Social Justice and Employment.)

4) "Ever since I have grown up, I have never desired to smoke and have always regarded the habit of smoking as barbarous, dirty and harmful. I have never understood why there is such a rage for smoking throughout the world. I can not bear to travel in a compartment full of people smoking. I become choked."-Gandhiji wrote about a century ago.
(Inserted by : Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.)

5)  On the mahatma's 142nd Birth Anniversary, we re-dedicate our efforts to his cherished goals of eradicating hunger and empowering consumers
(Inserted by : Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution.)

6) "A civilization can be judged by the way it treats its minorities"- M.K.Gandhi
(Inserted by : Ministry of Minority Affairs.)

7) "The highest form of freedom carries with it the greatest measure of discipline and humility."-M.K.Gandhi
(Inserted by : Ministry of Information & Broadcasting.)

8) "Infinite striving to be the best is man's duty ; it is its own reward" - Mahatma Gandhi
(Inserted by : Ministry of Steel.)

9) Paying homage to Father of Nation
(Inserted by : Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.)

10) "An education which does not teach us to discriminate between good and bad, to assimilate the one and eschew the other, is a misnomer"- Mahatma Gandhi
(Inserted by : Ministry of Human Resource Development.)

11) "The duty of motherhood requires qualities which man does not possess. The art of bringing up infants of the race is her special and sole prorogative. Without her care the race must become extinct" - Mahatma Gandhi
(Inserted by : Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.)

Even after nearly 65 years of independence, what was envisioned by the father of nation has not  been achieved, on the contrary  we have failed miserably and retreated back from where we were.GOI has spent lakhs of ruppes on these advertisements and from tomorrow they will do all those things which are not required to be pursued.

Incidentally ,Lalbahadur Shashtri's birth anniversary also fall today but there is not a single mention of the late prime minister any where in any of the news papers.We pay our homage to him and his excellent work during the short period of his premiership.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Use & enjoy every moment of life.
Don't save it.
There is no courtesy desk for us to go & get a refund on our unused life.

Running away from any problem only increases the distance from the solution.

A great thinker was asked : "What is the meaning of life?"
He replied : " Life itself has no meaning. life is an opportunity to create a meaning.

Progress is impossible without change and those who can't change their minds can't change anything.- George Bernard Shaw

Most people say : "Find good people and leave bad ones'
Wise man says " Find the good in people and ignore the bad in them.