Saturday, August 6, 2011


It is not your mistake if you can not read the eyes which cheat you.
It is really your mistake if you can not read the eyes which loves you.

It is odd that 'sword '& 'words' have the same letters and even more strange that they have the same effect.

एक दुकान के बाहर लिखी गई बेस्ट लाइन
उधार सिर्फ ८० से ९० सालकी उमरके लोगोको दिया जायेगा |
वह भी उनके माँ-बाप से पूछ कर |

Destiny depends on the strength of your desire.
If you cry at a trouble , it grows double.
& if you laugh at a trouble, it disappears like a bubble.

If 1=5
2 = 25
4 = 625
5 = ?

For Answer highlight next 4 lines.
Answer is 1
See the first line .
Moral : Life is very simple .
Do not make it complicated .