Thursday, April 21, 2011


Being frank is always better than being falsely sweet because by being frank in life, we may get lot of true enemies but surely not untrue friends.

यह कहकर मेरे दुश्मन मुझे हँसता हुआ छोड गये कि तेरे अपने ही काफी है तुझे रुलानेके लिये

Adjustments & compromises are crucial in relationships.
Adjust when someone wants to be with you and
Compromise when you want to be with someone.

The four 'looks ' of life.
1. Look back and get experience.
2. Look forward and see hope.
3. Look around and find reality.
4. Look with in and find confidence.

After marriage husband saved wife's number on mobile as 'मेरे चरणोकी दासी'
After 5 years he rectified 'मेरे प्राणोकी प्यासी'