Thursday, November 11, 2010


Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.- Albert Einstein

It is not important that we go to heaven once we leave. But it is important that we create heaven whenever we leave.

Man wishes
to fly like a bird,
sing like a cuckoo,
dance like a peacock,
swim like a fish,
man does not wish to live like a man
-Swami Vivekanand

काँटोंका दर्द फूलोंकी डाली ही समझे |
फूलोंका दर्द बागका मालीही समझे |
यह कैसी रीत बनाई कुदरतने ;
दियेका दिल जले और लोग दिवाली समझे |

What is more important ?
Our standard of living or living a life with correct standard ?